Amir Khan v Collazo Fight Ringwear

Boxing ringwear custom made for Amir Khan for his debut fight vs Callazo at the Welterweight weight.  He wanted something different with a different shape to his previous shorts.  We went for white velvet, purple snake skin, trimmed in green.  Also shown you can see his custom made gown and also sleeveless round necked corner jackets.  We can make something similar in your own colours and fabrics, with your own sponsors and names on, just let us know what you require using the contact us page and we will get back to you with a price.

Design Custom Boxing Shorts

We can design you some of your own shorts if you give us an idea of what you like or you can design your own using our templates on our online shop. For more information or a price on a short like this just use the contact us button at the top of the page and let us know what you require. These shorts can be made in any material we have in stock, in any colour we have available, just ask and we can tell you what we have.

More Custom Boxing Shorts Designed for Amir Kahn

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