Ben Sheedy Fightwear

Ben Sheedy Fightwear

Ben Sheedy is a Mancester fighter, fighting out of the famous Champs Camp in Moss Side, trainer by former British and Inter Continental  champion Ensley Bingham.  

Ben is currently 6-0 and fighting on a regular basis, building a good fan base and has already fought twice already on massive under cards at the Manchester Arena.  He is defiantly one to watch in the middleweight division and is without doubt going to be in some great fights in the future.

The Sheedy Fightwear

Ben always takes the time to come into the studio and see us, so we can sit down with him and go through designs and new fabrics we have in.  He loves black so we try and jazz it up a little with the gold and the diamond faux leather on the sides.

Ben likes the shorter style shorts, and we advise something lightweight in the black matt satin to allow him to move on his feel well without the added effect of a heavy short that can make you pay as you get into the later rounds of a fight.

The Sheedy fightwear has a few sponsors on that Ben has picked up and support him in his career.  He just provided the logos to us in any format he has on email and we can get them made into embroidery disks and put on the fightwear.

With him being from Manchester and the recent tragedy with the bombings, SW are allowing anyone including customers from our online shop to put the Manchester Bee on there kits free of charge during June and we are making a donation to the Manchester Appeal at the end of June as a show of support for our much loved city.   We have had a great response to this, from not only Manchester people but worldwide.

How do I get this design with my name on ?

We can design a similar ring wear for you with your own names, logos etc on, just let us know what you require.

List for us, colours, fabrics and what you want on there, names, etc and we can price for you. Use the website for inspiration on what you would like.  If the name is a bit much for you, just opt for normal standard embroidery or ask for a price with both.  We are always happy to help in creating your dream custom boxing ring wear.

Why not check our our online shop first, we have create prices on custom ringwear and even a design online section [contact-form][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Telephone Number ‘ type=’url’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]

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