Frankie Gavin Navy Velvet Boxing Ringwear

Frankie leaves his kit design to us as he always likes to have something new and different.  We suggested he use navy blue velvet with gold wetlook band and gold sparkle side panel.  We also went for a curved rounded bottom to give the shorts a differetn shape on the leg.  We also designed a bomber style collared jacket for  him to walk to the ring in.  This is a really nice design and can work with many differnt colours and fabrics.  Have a look through the site and get some ideas of what you like, let us know what you require and we will get back to you with a price.  You can either use one of our templates, print it off and draw your design on or use the contact us form to let us know what you require, colours, embroidery, design and we will get back to you with a price and quote.

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