Suzi Wong at Taskers Sports

Suzi Wong Branching Out

At Suzi Wong, we are always looking for ways to make our products available to as many of our customers as possible.

We pride ourselves on creating quality products with the fighting customer in mind and this has led to us forming a partnership with a massively successful local company in Liverpool, Taskers Sports.

Taskers Sports is a family business like ourselves, with great traditions and ethos based around their quality of product and service. It is steeped in history, having been a part of the Merseyside sporting commercial scene since 1977.

They have grown over that time, with a huge unit not too far from the footballing hub of the city and a shop slightly further afield in Southport. It’s fair to say they are one of the top sport retailers in the UK and we couldn’t be happier to link up with them.

Taskers Sports

SW at taskers sports aintree

A variety of our products are proudly on sale in the Taskers store, as well as on their website. The store is fully stocked with our popular LGND Range Challenge tracksuits as well as the skinny fit LGND branded tracksuits. You will also be able to pick up a selection of our fight night attire, from some of our classic boxing shorts to ring walk jackets, as well as accompanying boxing socks in a range of colours.

So what are you waiting for? If you are in the Aintree area of Liverpool ( , go and take a look around and keep an eye out for the SW section, stocked in a range of sizes and ready to fill your Christmas stockings.

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