UWCB x Suzi Wong

UWCB The Ultimate Boxing Expereince

Suzi Wong are proud to have been working alongside UWCB and UEvents for a number of years now.

Uwcb boxing shorts

The work UWCB have done is amazing, not only for their chosen Charity Cancer Research UK, raising over 22million, but the confidence they give men and women to enter the ring, push themselves and have a great night at the end of it all.

It great to see people taking part in the events, seeing everyones personal journey. Getting in shape to enter the ring and having an amazing evening alongside family and friends supporting them.

Everyone is fighting for something different, some are fighting for people they have lost through cancer, so just to get fit, an experience or different challenge.

Whatever your reason, UWCB is there to support you on your journey to the boxing ring, with professionally organised events and training all over the country.

UWCB Boxing Shorts

“Fight Night is all about you, now lets get you looking the part in the ring “

It’s always amazing to see fighters nearing the end of their training and getting ready for fight night and that’s where Suzi Wong come in.

We want you to look and feel your best on the night you have been working so hard to get to. When entering the ring, you want to feel like the star that you are.

Ultra White Collar Boxer

All the pain, all the early mornings and after work training sessions, need to be worth it.

Looking and feeling the part is all part of the event and in your Suzi Wong custom British made boxing shorts, you really will feel ready and like a star entering the ring.

We provide both mens and womens fit boxing shorts, all with custom options. Why not add that nickname your training buddies or family have given you. Add that symbol that motivates or reminds you of something special, or maybe a company logo of someone that has helped you.

Whatever you desire for your fight night Suzi Wong can make it happen. We have everything from boxing shorts, ring jackets and robes, too matching boxing socks.

cancer research socks

This year Suzi Wong worked on a really special boxing sock in conjunction with UEvents and Cancer Research UK. Inspired by the Cancer Research branding and colours, we created a specific boxing sock, offer all the comfort and protection you need for your feet in the boxing ring.

What you waiting for? Get signed up to UWCB for the combat experience of a lifetime

All UWCB fighters get an exclusive discount code to use throughout their fight camp for training kit or fight night boxing ring wear. Refer to your welcome back for the exclusive flyer and save with us when you shop.

“Here is to UWCB Raising another 22 million and counting for Cancer Research UK”

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